XRVAP replaces household products



In the current ecological context, and concerned about preserving our environment and our health, more and more of us want to change our habits in our daily lives: better food, better quality products, taking better care of ourselves and our planet.

The XRVAP steam device allows you to disinfect, clean and degrease without any chemical products, only with tap water.

The dry steam is ideal for use in all homes: suitable for cleaning work surfaces, floors, ovens, hotplates, toilets, steel surfaces, stainless steel and chrome, windows …

Most of the household products available in supermarkets contain one or more toxic substances and are very polluting for the environment (Allergens, chemicals and toxins, substances with endocrine disrupting effect, reprotoxics, carcinogenic substances, very irritating surfactants, allergenic fragrances, biocides).

According to a recent Norwegian study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, “People who regularly use cleaning products suffer damage to their lung function comparable to that of a smoker, even decades later.

These new findings compare the lung damage to that caused by smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

It was “already known that household tasks can expose to chemical agents with potential harmful effects on the respiratory system”, explain the authors of the study, according to which “the increased risk of asthma and respiratory symptoms in professional cleaners and in people cleaning at home” .

In the new special issue “Healthy House” of 60 Millions of consumers, the association has selected one hundred household products among the most sold on the market to study their content. The results of the study were qualified “of alarming” by 60 million consumers. They contain toxic substances that are harmful to our health and chemical substances that pollute the environment.

“A chemical substance used in a cleaning product can have up to 28 different names or synonyms! Unless you are a doctor of chemistry, it is almost impossible for the average consumer to decipher the composition of a household product and its effects on health and the environment,” deplores the editor-in-chief of 60 million consumers “So some cleaners contain toxic substances without it being possible for the consumer to know it when shopping. “

The consumer association recommends to have a reasoned use of household products: avoid “overpowering” products, the use of cleaning products for toilets, do not mix products between them (risk of making even more toxic substances) …

In addition to the toxicity of these products, they do not have an optimal effectiveness with their “good smell” as we can read or see it in the advertisements because this one rarely rhymes with cleaning and disinfection.



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